Thursday, November 21, 2013

My precious, precious phone...

For those of you who didn't know,  I've been without a phone since Sunday afternoon.  With that being said I've been slowly losing what little sense I have left,  lol.
The darn thing didn't even have the good grace to break all the way! Oh, no, not my stupid smart phone.  The screen blacked out, but everything else worked just fine,  I think...
When it rang I touched, I swiped--hell, I did everything except licked the stupid thing and still I was helpless to answer it.
Sooo, if I texted you something weird or didn't pick up your call,  it was the phone not me. 《Swear》
You'll be happy to know that I eventually cracked under pressure and paid the  deductible and got another one.
Now you might be saying to yourself, "What was the lesson in all this?"
Maybe not to depend so much on my phone? Nope, but not really.
The true lesson is don't use your phone while sitting in a 180 degree sauna, lol :-)
Sad, but true.

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